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Published: 15-12-2022

Costa Rica is known for its volcanos, cloud forests, and sandy beaches. Located in Central America between Nicaragua and Panama, Costa Rica is a small country bordered by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans on either side. However, don’t be fooled by its small size. Costa Rica has plenty of good food, excellent coffee, and adventure for the perfect getaway. Before you go, here are some interesting Costa Rica facts to help you get acquainted with your destination!


Costa Rica Sunset


The population of Costa Rica is about 5 million.

Costa Rica’s name translates to “Rich Coast,” given by the Spaniards because of the stunning coastline.

Costa Rica hosts more than 5% of the world’s biodiversity even though its landmass only takes up .03% of the planet’s surface.

Over 25% of Costa Rica is protected by its 27 national parks. These include Coco Island (Isla del Coco), which is home to some of the best diving in the world. It is also where Jurassic Park was filmed.

There are more than 121 volcanic formations in Costa Rica. It is home to seven active volcanos. Poas Volcano has the second widest crater in the world and a gorgeous blue lagoon at its center. The Arenal Volcano is one of the ten most active volcanoes in the world. 


Poas Volcano Crater


Costa Rica gained independence from Spain in 1821- the same year as the rest of Central America. Its Independence Day is September 15.

Costa Rica has a total of 1,228 kilometers of coastline. 1,016 kilometers are on the Pacific Coast. 212 kilometers are on the Caribbean Coast.

Costa Rica is the most visited country in Central America, and one of the most visited in the world. Costa Rica has more ocean than land- ten times more in fact. There are 625,000 square kilometers of ocean, with only 52,000 kilometers of landmass.

There are only two seasons in Costa Rica- the rainy season and the dry season. The dry season lasts from December to May. The rainy season lasts from June to November.

Sloths are beloved the world round, and the sloth recently became a national symbol of Costa Rica.




The national tree is the Guanacaste tree, (Enterolobium Cyclocarpum). The tree has a broad leafy top shielding farm and livestock alike from the pounding sun of the dry season.

Monkeys are one of the most common mammals in Costa Rica. The four common species are the Howler, Spider, White-Faced, and Squirrel.

There are about 750,000 species of insects that live in Costa Rica. This includes 20,000 different types of spiders.

Turtles are abundant in Costa Rica. On the Pacific coast, over 100,000 Olive Ridley turtles can arrive in a single day.


Sea Turtle


Almost 7% of the world’s bananas are grown in Costa Rica.

The only type of coffee grown in Costa Rica is Arabica. The majority of the coffee is grown at altitude in the Central Valley. 90% of the coffee grown in Costa Rica is exported.

 The Nicoya peninsula is home to some of the longest-living people in the world. The highest number of centenarians in the world are in Nicoya. This is attributed to their extremely healthy diet. This caused them to be designated as an official Blue Zones area (1 of 5 in the world.)

Ticos are some of the happiest people in the world- they constantly top the World Happiness Report.

Costa Ricans value the environment. The country is working towards becoming one of the few carbon natural countries with zero net emissions by the year 2050.

Costa Ricans refer to themselves as Ticos (men) and Ticas (women). this is because when speaking, many people will add the suffix “-ico” to their words, which means small. 

Costa Rican traditional ox-cart painting is a UNESCO World Heritage Site patrimony. The art combines Spanish baroque shapes combined with bright Caribbean countries. You can find artisans painting in this style in Sarchi.


Traditional Ox Cart


There are 52 species of hummingbird in Costa Rica. There are 300 species of hummingbirds in the world.

Costa Rica is the most visited country in Central America, and one of the most visited in the world.